Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Can I part with my goods!

Hi all,

It has been awhile since I blogged. But I have still been taking time here and there to stalk all yours. SO....today I am starting to make my ETSY store. 

It may not start up today because all I have read said to open your store with at least 50 items, but in the middle of taking pictures I started to have a mini panic attack.  I don't know about you, but I started collecting and loving older vintage items as long as I can remember.

I am starting my store with my vintage beaded purses. Some I have had since my Sister in Law Mary, gave me one of hers when I was maybe nine.  In the middle of taking pictures, I started freaking out in my head, the what if's. ( what if my son's future wife needs a something old, for her wedding day and I am selling the most beautiful wedding purse ever.) So I walk into my son's room and say "do you think I should save this for your future wife?"  he looks at me like I have lost my mind. which at the moment I have.. then the mind questions start again- what if my granddaughter wants to start a beaded purse collection?  So here I am asking you out there, is this crazy? Is it hard for you to part with items you have had for many years??  

I will part with these items!!!  I made a promise to myself, unless it was a gift or something that truly has sentimental value I must put it in my store for someone else to enjoy.  I am looking forward to your thoughts on my thoughts!!

 geez, suddenly I could use a nice glass of wine.


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